Do you like chocolate? I do. So when I heard that Sheffield entrepreneur Max Scotford had triumphed in the Hallam Enterprise Awards, winning a £5000 prize for his bean-to-bar chocolate business, Bullion Chocolate, I lined him up for an interview on my radio show, broadcast on Friday on Sheffield Live FM radio.
And naturally I hoped Max would bring chocolate to the studio. Hoped? Well, threatened actually: I told Max that there was a serious risk of me pulling a Paxman on him if he didn’t oblige.
Fortunately Max brought tasty chocolate and I didn’t have to channel my inner Jeremy. And obviously I am joking about bribery in return for a gentle interview. If people are invited onto my radio show, it’s because their business is interesting and I want to know what they are up to and how they do it. Max is a case in point – listen to him cover his entrepreneurial journey, how he developed the business, secured buyers – including Harvey Nichols – and differentiates his product.
You can hear the half-hour interview with Max Scotford of Bullion Chocolate and Rob King, business start-up advisor at Sheffield Hallam University, via the podcast below. The show also covered Community Business Weekend, an opportunity for micro-entrepreneurs to win cash and kudos, and more.
Here’s the podcast (timings are below):
Audio PlayerTimings:
- 0 – 6:04 introduction and updates, including Community Business Weekend (and Sheffield Live’s involvement);
- 6:04 – 7:19 update about Sheffield Hallam University’s Hallam Enterprise Awards and the winners;
- 7:19 – 39:15 Max Scotford of Bullion Chocolate and Rob King, business start-up advisor at Sheffield Hallam University
- 39:15 – 46:45 new micro-entrepreneurship awards open for entries: four prizes of £7500 each available in the Citi Microentrepreneurship Awards, the annual celebration of Britain’s microentrepreneurs that have accessed “responsible” business finance; the State of Social Enterprise 2017 report; masterclasses from Sheffield City Region Growth Hub; forthcoming Connect Sheffield and MADE entrepreneurship festival events
- 46:45 – end (50:11) wrapping up, an invitation to get involved, Community Business Weekend, and a mention of my recent interview with The Anglers’ Rest.
More about my Business Live radio show. Meanwhile if you like reading useful, practical advice – that’s also entertaining, then you’re welcome to join my free newsletter email list (if you’re not already signed up). Just pop your details in below.
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