Andrea Chatten: emotional and behavioural psychologist and author

Andrea Chatten on the Business Live radio show and podcast“The whole point of emotions is to keep us alive” says Andrea Chatten. And if you try to ignore, for example, feeling worried, your brain has ways to escalate how you feel. Emotions you ignore or don’t understand can manifest as series problems such as anxiety.

Andrea is the MD and lead children’s emotional and behavioural psychologist at Unravel, and the author of “The Blinks” series of novels supporting children’s well-being.

A former teacher, Andrea was particularly interested in helping children who were presenting with emotional and behavioural issues.

She launched Unravel to pioneer a new model of psychology, sitting between educational and clinical psychology, and designed to meet children’s needs (rather than requiring children to adapt to how a service is provided).

When Andrea launched Unravel in 2014 she gained immediate validation from schools that there was a need for the services it provides. It now works in over 30 schools and has a team of 15.

Andrea’s work has a profound effect and impact, enabling children to learn strategies to help understand their emotions and become happier.

She has also written The Blinks series of novels for children and young people after realising there is considerably more demand for Unravel’s services than Andrea and her team can supply.

Each novel examines an emotion that impacts on wellbeing, for example worry, which is based around anxiety. Andrea discusses this and other books (addressing, for example, self-esteem, love, and anger) in detail. Many adults find the books enable them to name, claim, understand and address emotions too.

Andrea covers her work and its impact; how the business has developed; her approach to recruitment; time management and more.

Also in the studio: Mark Farnsworth of the Showroom Workstation discusses a forthcoming free breakfast networking event for folk in the creative and digital industries.

Here’s the podcast. Click the large arrow to play, or hover over the media player and click on the icon on the bottom right corner to download it.

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