This week’s radio show guest is Lisa Walker who brings a track record of transforming her clients’ confidence – enabling them to experience transformation in their businesses and lives. Listen to the podcast here.
Lisa Walker: How to deal with Imposter Syndrome, overcome fears, boost confidence and transform your business
January 14, 2019 by jamiev
Filed Under: Communications, Interviews Tagged With: business confidence, Coaching, Imposter Syndrome
Don’t headbutt time; do get a bra that fits – new interviews

Advice for social entrepreneurs from Pam Warhurst, founder of Incredible Edible: “don’t headbutt time.” And an interview with Lucy May Lingerie founders, Natalie Mosley and Paula Walsh, and with Plot44 Chair, Mark Ramsell. New radio show podcast.
Filed Under: Business Development, Interviews, Marketing, Regeneration, Social Enterprise Tagged With: business confidence, food, FSB, funding, HSBC, Incredible Edible, independent retail, Lucy May Lingerie, marketing, Natalie Mosley, Pam Warhurst, Paula Walsh, social enterprise, social enterprise exchange
Interviews: Peter Jones Enterprise Academy; running a charity
Interviews with business mentor Jill White and Peter Jones Enterprise Academy Level 2 Student of the Year Kosmas Eleftheriou, and with charity chief executive Mark Storey.
Filed Under: Interviews, Social Enterprise Tagged With: Andy Hanselman, business confidence, fundraising, Parker Bestobell Marine, social enterprise, Tech North